czwartek, 31 października 2013

Pre-class posting for November 07, 2013.... FOOTBALL!

This is a football.

It's played on a field that looks like this.

Or from above, this this.

Players wear a lot of stuff, like shoulder pads.

And thigh pads

A lot of pads.

And a helmet.

And shoes, called cleats.

All dressed, players look like this.

They have all that padding cause stuff like this

and this happens.

Maybe cause there's so much hitting on the field, football fans are very peaceful.
Even fans of the biggest rivals can sit next to each other.

And even have fun together.

Before the game, fans like to have picnics or cookouts in the parking lot, this is called tailgating.

Then the game starts with a kick off.

And then there's throwing....

Maybe some catching....

For sure some running.

And tackling each other.

You score by holding onto the football in the end zone.

Or by kicking it through the goalposts.

Then it's halftime and there's a marching band.

Then the game starts again and there's more tackling.

And then it's over.

College football is maybe the purest form of the sport (which originated on university campuses).
Popular university teams regularly fill stadiums that hold over 80,000 people.

Like this,

or this.

There's also lots of fan rituals involved in college football before and during the game. Here is a very, very small sample.

The University of Ohio marching band is famous for its spectacular entrance (highlights are the entry of the drum major at 2.00 and 'dotting the i' at 7.00).

The University of Florida's team is known as the Gators, the stadium is the Swamp and a giant movie screen announces the players' entrance.

Florida State University's team are the Seminoles (the name of an Indian tribe in Florida). The game is preceded by a guy on horseback planting a flaming spear in the field and then everybody chants and does the 'tomahawk chop'. PC note: the Seminole Indians have said repeatedly that they are not bothered at all by this.

Fans of Pennsylvania State University are famous for being the loudest in the country and the best singers.

Texas A&M fans sway back and forth (you can't see it in the video but the stadium itself is built to slightly sway as well.

My favorite tradition is from the University of Wisconsin. At the the beginning of the 4th quarter. Everybody jumps around to the song.... Jump around!

Here's a crowd level video.

See you November 7!

niedziela, 27 października 2013

Extra Halloween materials

Okay, here's part two.

First, the true meaning of Halloween, sweet sweet loot.

 "It's mine! All mine!"

The kid version of high finance

Enough fun, let's get to the trauma.

First, some scary Halloween stories to get in the mood.

For extra terror, imagine this guy sitting next to you.

Then you can watch the whole movie.

Be sure to have a..

Or I'll send these guys after you.

Hopefully, by Wednesday or Thursday I'll have a pre-class post on our next topic, November 7, 2013.

niedziela, 20 października 2013

Pre-class Materials for October 24, 2013 - HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

This post is done for now,  I might add some more video links by Thursday.

Halloween (American holidays pt 1)

We interrupt your regularly scheduled classes to bring you

First, how did this,


and this,

and this

become this?

How did this

turn into this?

Or this

and this

turn into this?

and this?

Also, Halloween cuisine, like

Candy Corn!

Candy Apples!

Popcorn balls!

Deadman's last meal!

Video links:

A nice introduction to the history of holiday and its evolution in American popular culture.

Another good intro:

For the vital questions,

Should Christians celebrate halloween?

Should Jewish people?

what about Muslims?

Well, that's all pretty depressing, what about some Halloween party food!