niedziela, 20 października 2013

Pre-class Materials for October 24, 2013 - HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

This post is done for now,  I might add some more video links by Thursday.

Halloween (American holidays pt 1)

We interrupt your regularly scheduled classes to bring you

First, how did this,


and this,

and this

become this?

How did this

turn into this?

Or this

and this

turn into this?

and this?

Also, Halloween cuisine, like

Candy Corn!

Candy Apples!

Popcorn balls!

Deadman's last meal!

Video links:

A nice introduction to the history of holiday and its evolution in American popular culture.

Another good intro:

For the vital questions,

Should Christians celebrate halloween?

Should Jewish people?

what about Muslims?

Well, that's all pretty depressing, what about some Halloween party food!


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  1. :))
