czwartek, 13 marca 2014

Class for March 13, 2014 - American Indians, then and (especially) today

Thousands of years ago, people migrated across the Bering land bridge

And eventually settled all across both Americas, divided into various 'culture areas'

 speaking many languages

Then Europeans arrived 

and things didn't go to well

but they worse for the Indians.

This is a map of the atrocities committed against Indians in one town

(the atrocities are in blue)

Nowadays many people think of this when they here the words Native American
or this

But the modern reality is more like this

or this.

or this.

Now many tribes make income from selling tax free cigarettes

or gambling.

Here are the notes.

And here are some interesting links:

An article on migration from Asia to the Americas.

Some music.

Zuni Rain Dance

Lakota Flute Music

Lakota Lullaby

Apache Mountain Spirit Dance

Athapaskan fiddle music (might be from Ireland)

Inuit Throat Singing (trust me, you haven't heard anything like this before)


On the trail of tears (Cherokee perspective)

Seminole wars

Florida Seminoles (from 1949)

Lakota Pine Ridge Reservation

Expelling members from tribes

Radio show on the same topic (very good)

A movie (unfortunately dubbed into English - the original was in French)

Black Robe (best movie on early contact yet made)

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