czwartek, 3 kwietnia 2014

Class topic for April 03, 2014 Generations

Going back in time a bit, the last several generations.

The Lost Generation

First they had to go to war

Then they started the jazz age

Complete with prohibition

 And mobsters

And then the dust bowl

And the Great Depression.

The Greatest Generation

The WPA got the country back to work

And gave kids extra help

Then the men went to war in Europe

And the pacific

While women went to work

Then they built suburbia

The Silent Generation

Too young for the wars

Too young for jazz

They created rock and roll instead

Became Beatniks

And inspired the hippies.

The Baby Boomers

Grew up with reassuring images of the family with Father Knows Best

and Leave it to Beaver

So they said 'Hell with it!" and became hippies.

And then whiny self-absorbed yuppies (which is why everybody hates them)

Generation X

Popular culture from their childhood

And their adolescence

No wonder they're messed up.

And look to each other for support

The Millenials

Had a different kind of childhood with parents who are a little too clingy

And give them too much help

So they're more comfortable with technology than with people.

The Homeland Generation

So far they hardly know anyone besides their parents

This will not turn out wel....

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